Jyotirmaya Sharma: An unauthorised biography page
“How does one kill a cockroach?” Jyotirmaya Sharma asked. This
was during one of the morning meetings we used to have with him as Resident
Editor of The Times of India, Hyderabad. This meeting with heads of departments
would not be just about work. Philosophy would always take centre-stage.
So, how does one kill a cockroach? Everyone sitting in his
chamber for the meeting knew how they killed a cockroach. Jyotirmaya Sharma himself
knew how people killed a cockroach. If he had a question, he also had an
answer. “If a cockroach has to be killed, just use the little amount of force
one would need to,” he said. Beyond that ‘little amount of force’ would mean ‘excessive
violence’, is what I understand. That is because some stamp on it. Some stomp on
it. Some crush it to death as if with vengeance.
More about Jyotirmaya Sharma’s philosophy. He called me
aside one day. “Just stand by him. Be his comfort,” he advised me. It was
supposed to be the colleague’s last day in office. Jyotirmaya Sharma understood
the emotional upheaval that the colleague was going through and suggested that
I sort of be a balm at that moment.
Why have I cited these two incidents? It is to bring to the
fore the man’s principles of not seeing someone or something hurt. His latest
book ‘Elusive non-violence – the making and unmaking of Gandhi’s religion of
ahimsa’ is something that only someone of his stature in thinking could have written.
Every page by Jyotirmaya Sharma who is a professor of political science at the
University of Hyderabad, is rich and goes to show how much of research went
into it for more than a decade.
If one has a perception of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also commonly
referred to as the ‘Mahatma’ or described as ‘the father of the nation’, the
book which throws a lot of insight into the personality and philosophy of
Gandhi, is bound to alter some of the perceptions one has of him. Jyotirmaya
Sharma produces evidence in the form of people who questioned Gandhi on some
matters and the responses they got from him.
One wonders if Gandhi had come under attack from Jyotirmaya
Sharma. It does not happen blatantly. If that is the impression one tends to
get, it is only based on the arguments put forward by several people and how
Gandhi chooses to project himself through his various writings. By opening up
some windows, Jyotirmaya Sharma facilitates us take a peek into Gandhi’s
thinking and form an opinion.
On a personal front, let me vouch for the fact that
Jyotirmaya Sharma encouraged one to develop an opinion. Not just develop it and
express it. In the right way, in the proper format. “It is simple child,” he
once said to me. “One should not assume that writing an editorial is a difficult
task,” he said to me. During the period that he was Resident Editor of The
Times of India, Hyderabad in the early 2000s, I wrote a few editorials. He explained
a few simple steps and made writing editorials look like child’s play. Of
course, one had to have a concrete subject, concrete thoughts and valid points
to base an opinion on. He guided me to write all those editorials, most of the
times, making little intervention. There would always be a pat on the back.
Appreciative as he always was, he made sure my name appeared
in the imprint line as Editorial Coordinator when we launched the ‘Entertainment’
supplement which was a weekly. Lunch at some of the star hotels with him was
frequent. There was no need for an ‘occasion’ as such to go out for lunch. He
would never allow me to pay.
In one of his earlier books, he also mentioned my name,
along with the names of a few other colleagues – which only goes to show his
large-heart. I also remember the lunch
he used to host at his house. An art aficionado, he would display the art that
he bought in his drawing room, and also other rooms. So, it was not just about
lunch but about admiring the art and the philosophy of the artist, if we chose
to understand the art, and the man who bought it.
With the kind of philosophy, he was dictated by and the
approach he had, Jyotirmaya Sharma can be credited with managing to do a coup
of sorts. At a get together organised by the newspaper for the top brass of the
political leadership, bureaucrats and society, he got Y S Rajasekhar Reddy and
N Chandrababu Naidu to share the same dinner table.
They were supposed to be political rivals but Jyotirmaya
Sharma wanted that both attend the dinner. It was tricky. Chandrababu Naidu
would have preferred to put in an appearance and leave before Y S Rajasekhara
Reddy came. Such was his persuasive
power, logic and goodwill that both Naidu and YSR agreed to not only share the
dinner table but spent more than an hour chatting, joking and just being like
how they were when they were friends several decades ago when they both began
their political career. If political differences existed they did, but for Jyotirmaya
Sharma, life was all about being human first.
Let me come back to the book. What is also striking about his
latest book ‘Elusive non-violence’ is that he leaves us at a place where we
would have wanted to continue to read. He makes no conclusion. He keeps his
subject open-ended. Which means, he does not want to force his philosophy down
the throat of his reader. Much respect. Allow me one more say here. Jyotirmaya
Sharma also gave me the opportunity to compile the ‘Sacred Space’ column which appears
in the editorial page of TOI. During the period that I did this for several
months, I was exposed to the thinking of various philosophers. It widened the
horizon of my thinking. Significantly, he also came up with another addition.
It used to be called ‘Raja dharma’. It would be a quote from anyone famous,
from among the sages of the yore, or even modern and respected thinkers. But
that had to be something relevant to that particular day’s happenings – mainly political.
That too was a learning experience.
The last time I met Jyotirmaya Sharma was in 2004 for a small
farewell lunch a few of us had for him. This year, that is in 2021, I watched
his interview in The Times Literary Fest online talk about his latest book. I
promptly placed an order for the book. The book has been so engrossing that I
would pick it up as soon as I finished the day’s work. So, if my son who is in
London would call to speak to me, my wife’s first response would be: He’s engrossed
in reading ‘Elusive non-violence’.